Book Review- Demons in My Mind by Aashish Gupta

Book Name- Demons in my mind 
Author- Aashish Gupta
Genre- Fiction/ Motivational
Publisher- Notion Press
Pages- 330


Are crimes and mental illness related?
Is your mind under your control?
Is your life an illusion created by you?
Dakshesh, an old man in Sirubari village suffering from cancer, wishes to be released from excruciating pain. His journey takes him to the three monks, known for miraculous healing and life transformation. He discovers they are no saints, but hardened criminals. The three monks – Rizwan, Murli, Joseph – narrate stories of unprecedented savagery that would make even the most cold-hearted criminals look down with shame.
The dark stories of the three monks leave Dakshesh gasping, but there is something about their dishonorable lives that relieves Dakshesh from his pain.


Demons Of My Mind is a debut novel  by Aashish Gupta and he serves us an unique plot. There are many surprises in the book which glues readers with the book.

Book Title and Cover- Book Title is interesting and creates curiosity about the content. Cover goes well with the title and the content and adds curiosity.

Blurb is short, crisp and fine.

Overall, First Impression of the book attracts readers.

Language and Narration- Language of the book is simple and easy to comprehend. Narration is done in first person narrative and is done well.

Book is edited well and increases reading experience.

Storyline and Plot- Storyline of this book is unique and keeps readers hooked with book.

Storytelling skills of Mr. Gupta  is amazing and the picturesque and detailed description helps readers imagine scenes in our head.

The three stories of three monks are written brilliantly however, several questions remained unanswered.

Except that, Demons in my mind is perfect book if you’re looking for inspiring fiction read.

Book Title and Cover- 3.5/5
Language and Narration- 4/5
Storyline and Plot- 3/5
Final Rating- 3.5/5


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